
手机疑云之劳拉物语 Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story for Mac v1.0a 中文原生


“Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story delivers on the uncomfortable, important, and personal journey it promises. Clever UI design, superb writing, and intricate, complex puzzling weave together to accurately simulate both a lost phone and the world of the real person it belonged to. Though it’s a brief, one-way ride, the takeaways (and music tracks!) will stay with you long after you’ve pocketed the device.”
9/10 – AppTrigger

“Another Lost Phone isn't a sequel. It's a game that builds on the legacy of its predecessor, using some of the same tricks, but presenting them in a much slicker, much more polished way. The story is still at the core of things, and it's pushed along by clever logic puzzles that see you delving for scraps of information on the phone that you've discovered. It deals with big issues, with dark themes, and with things that other games are too afraid to talk about. And for that alone you should pick it up and give it a go.”
8/10 – Pocket Gamer





  • 通过在手机APP中找到的图片,信息和元素,找出劳拉神秘失踪的原因。
  • 潜入她社交媒体,深入了解她的事业,人际网和社会习惯。经历一场令人感同身受的故事,逐渐加深对她的感情,让玩家深入体会各种题材和社会问题。
  • 在这连接显示和虚构的桥梁中扮演你真实的自己。如果你关闭了app之后仍然在想着这款游戏,那么它还是游戏吗?

手机疑云之劳拉物语 Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story (2017) 1.6.1 Mac 中文破解版 冒险解谜类游戏

手机疑云之劳拉物语 Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story (2017) 1.6.1 Mac 中文破解版 冒险解谜类游戏

手机疑云之劳拉物语 Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story (2017) 1.6.1 Mac 中文破解版 冒险解谜类游戏

手机疑云之劳拉物语 Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story (2017) 1.6.1 Mac 中文破解版 冒险解谜类游戏

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