黑暗中的教堂 The Church in the Darkness™ for Mac v1.2 中文原生
“The Church in the Darkness does a great job of delivering a sticky stealth and exploration experience that also gets your brain moving. That said, there's plenty here to occupy an inquisitive mind for hours, provided you're the sort of gamer who treasures replay value and discovering all the possible plot twists in a branching and somewhat randomized narrative.”
“We've never seen this type of setting seriously tackled in a video game, where we're more accustomed to fighting black-and-white wars against caricatured manifestations of evil. Rouse chose this approach because he thinks the medium is capable of reaching beyond that scope.”
Game Informer
“It's a creative form of narrative direction that I hope will influence how players choose to go about infiltrating camp. If they're a nice crew, the moral impetus might be to get in and out without harming a fly. If they're bloodthirsty zealots, well, a few flies won't matter.”
PC Gamer
· 你将得到什么结局?你是否能将亚历克斯救出,不管他愿不愿意?你是否会面对教团领袖?你是否会加入教团?
· 通过不同的游戏方式及选择,解开不同的结局。
· 丰富的游戏方式:完全躲避侦测,以非致命方式打晕警卫和信徒,或者直接消灭阻拦你的人。
· 和自由镇的信徒谈话,搜查线索。营地四处的文书和信件将揭开关于教团的更多真相。
· 教团领袖丽贝卡·沃克和以撒·沃克分别由Ellen McLain(《Portal》中的GLaDOS)和John Patrick Lowrie (《军团要塞2》中的狙击手)进行全程配音。