充满刺激的街机赛车游戏,受到 90 年代超级好玩、直奔主题的经典赛车游戏启发。

追踪地平线 Horizon Chase Turbo for Mac v2.6 中文原生


“I had a hell of a time with Horizon Chase Turbo. Of all of the retro revival games that have come out over the past few years, it is near the top of my personal list of favourites. I can’t get enough of it... there is a real addicting 'one more race' quality to the game.”
8.5/10 – Destructoid

“The best arcade-inspired racing game since Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast over a decade ago. Horizon Chase Turbo wears its Outrun influences proudly and offers up the same kind of pick up and play thrills, but with more content to sink your teeth into.”
4/5 – Hardcore Gamer

“From the looks of things, Horizon Chase Turbo nails the look and sound of this very specific era of racing games (early 90s). Gradient-heavy backdrops, track-side objects whizzing past at improbable speeds, and crashes merely slowing your car as it pirouettes through the air, before allowing you to resume your dash to the finish line.”
Rock Paper Shotgun


Horizon Chase Turbo是一款赛车游戏,灵感源自80年代和90年代的流行赛车游戏:Out Run、Top Gear (SNES)、Rush等等。它重现了经典街机游戏,你可以随心所欲地畅玩飙车。

Horizon Chase Turbo提供多人分屏模式,你可与好友一起坐在沙发上通宵畅玩,回忆美好的往昔时光。

Horizon Chase Turbo源于过去,但同时结合了现代元素。显著的多边形和辅助色彩审美效果造就了独特的游戏氛围。

在Horizon Chase Turbo中,你可以驾车穿越各种不寻常之地,欣赏日落,遭遇风雪天气和火山灰,甚至还会经历严重的沙尘暴天气。

Horizon Chase Turbo有幸由经典街机赛车游戏Lotus Turbo Challenge、Top Gear (SNES)和Rush的配乐创作人Barry Leitch创作配乐。

Horizon Chase Turbo是屡获殊荣的游戏“Horizon Chase World Tour”的最新版,这款备受赞
誉的游戏曾在Metacritic上以88分的佳绩荣获“2015年度最佳游戏”。Steam Edition版本为你

  • 4K分辨率画面
  • 令人惊艳的旧式分屏多人游戏,支持多达4位玩家
  • 配乐由90年代经典赛车游戏Top Gear和Lotus Turbo Challenge等的音效设计师Barry Leitch创作
  • 海量内容:12个杯赛、48座城市、109条赛道、31辆可解锁的赛车以及12种赛车升级
  • 在线上竞争幽灵模式中挑战你的好友
  • 跻身好友和全球排行榜,让自己名垂史册

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