
维普拉的鼠疫医生 The Plague Doctor of Wippra for Mac v1.0.3(59239) 英文原生


“While it’s a short, compact and competent point and click adventure at face value, The Plague Doctor of Wippra works best between the lines. A thinly veiled examination of the human condition during a health crisis, the game explores how little has really changed since the bubonic plague and the Middle Ages. If you like your adventures games to be deep rather than funny, this one is for you.”
8/10 – https://fingerguns.net/reviews/2022/10/05/the-plague-doctor-of-wippra-review-pc-point-sick/

“To conclude, The Plague Doctor of Wippra is a very serious Point & Click, which immerses us perfectly in its universe and its rather dark atmosphere. The small medical side brings a little more to the game, which makes us want to treat each villager.”
8/10 – coupleofgamer.com, France

“Quite honestly, The Plague Doctor of Wippra gets two thumbs up from me. A little of that is nostalgia – for pixel art adventures, but the Black Death, engaging and powerful storytelling, and sparking that interest in learning about the history that… plagues this tale. I couldn’t help myself. Do yourself a favour, check this out, and say Vulgar Knight sent you.”
Two Thumbs Up – https://vulgarknight.com/the-plague-doctor-of-wippra-review/





  • 充满活力的中世纪背景,人物可信
  • 丰富的氛围和细致入微的故事讲述
  • 华丽、绘画、低分辨率像素艺术
  • 现实生活中的历史和医学背景
  • 选择很重要,推动故事发展,有多个结局
  • 现代呈现中复古冒险的感觉
  • 不包含坏笑话

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