
洪亮 Sonority for Mac v1.5 中文原生


“Sonority is a beautiful tale that will take you on an emotional ride as you discover the importance of music. While players with musical backgrounds will have a special love for the game, it has a broad appeal that will make it a blast for anyone interested in the premise.”
90/100 – https://butwhythopodcast.com/2022/05/23/review-sonority-is-a-beautiful-musical-adventure-pc/

“Sonority is an unique puzzle game. Its concept, to progress in the game, gives it all its charm. And it is accompanied by its sublime art direction, its magnificent soundtrack, and its very touching story. In our hands, we have a new indie nugget that deserves to be played for a few hours, for the pleasure of our eyes. And above all, our ears.”
9/10 – coupleofgamer.com, France

“Sonority is an interesting and beautiful project that knows how to mix narrative and puzzles very well. And where the latter take all the playable load, with one of the best sound implementations I've seen in a gameplay mechanic.”
85/100 – generacionpixel.com, Spain


"Sonority is a lovely puzzle game. It has a very relaxing atmosphere but is reasonably demanding of your grey matter, but never to the point of frustration. [...] It gets my recommendation as it’s one of those titles that soothes even the savage beast."
Recommended - https://vulgarknight.com/sonority-review/

"Sonority is a fresh new take on the genre of puzzle gaming. Day by day, more and more indie developers are stealing the limelight from majority brands, and Sonority deserves every single ray of light it can muster! With a wonderful story and gameplay that doesn’t alienate real-life non-musical instrument players, Sonority is an immersive game you’ll listen to, and lose yourself in, for hours on end."
8.5/10 - https://www.mkaugaming.com/all-review-list/sonority-review/

"As soon as I realized what the point of the game is, it started blowing my mind. [...] He [the raccoon] is like the best voice actor ever. If not THE best voice actor I've heard in a video game. Super crazy good. [...] I've never seen a game do anything like this. It is super neat."
Recommended - SML Podcast








· 有趣、新奇的音乐解谜机制,简单的音符序列逐渐变成短小的旋律,然后变成复杂的乐章。
· 一段动人的故事,在艾斯特和一只怪脾气老浣熊跟他会唱歌的石头朋友之间展开。
· 3D游戏世界,设计精妙,连贯流畅,场景多样。
· 原创音乐丰富多彩、氛围浓厚,包含英文、德文两个版本。
· 支持键盘和控制器。

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