
Shing! for Mac v2.0 中文原生


“The Combat is easily my favorite part of the game because of the freedom in combos and the simplicity of the combat system.”
8/10 – Gaming Route

“As it is though, it’s still a good game, and one that fans of side-scrolling beat ’em ups should definitely check out. Its colourful visuals and challenging gameplay are an enjoyable combination, but one that’s best consumed in small amounts.”
7/10 – Gamespew

“If you'd have told me before I played Shing! that I would like a control scheme that see's you launch combo attacks with an analogue stick, I would have karate chopped your kidney in anger. Ultimately, you would have been right. It's a control scheme that innovates, is accessible and offers a degree of combo flexibility not seen in more traditional beat 'em ups. In a stellar year for nostalgic side-scrolling beat 'em ups, Shing! is a new IP that absolutely demands your attention.”
7/10 – The SixthAxis




· 单人游戏或与好友游戏,支持4人本地或联机合作
· 易上手的沉浸式操控:右摇杆控制武器,给玩家丰富的行动选择
· 玩不腻的游戏内容:掌握多层战斗系统、制伏狡猾的敌人、面对强大的BOSS
· 体验自由式战斗系统:组合连击、随时更换角色、巧用敌人的能力伤敌

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