TERROIR 是一款葡萄酒庄经营管理游戏,拥有极简而优雅的图形艺术设计风格。在游戏中,你将成为一位酒庄主人,种植多元葡萄品种、创造不同的葡萄酒,并不断扩展你的庄园和产业。天气变幻无常,突发事件接踵而来,面临无数挑战,你有信心让酒庄获得成功吗?
风土 Terroir for Mac v1.0(v2.5.3) 中文原生
“...watching the years roll by over these lovely hills with a glass of wine in-hand—well, life could be worse.”
PC Gamer
“It caught my attention because it reminded me I’d always meant to try Viticulture – a worker-placement board game themed around cultivating a vineyard in Tuscany. Terroir seems to have a more modern setting, what with a plane and electric lighting appearing in the trailer but I have a fondness for hyper-specific management scenarios hence being intrigued by both this and Viticulture!”
Rock Paper Shotgun
“Terroir is incredibly rewarding, largely because of the sheer challenge of conquering its innate randomness. The satisfaction of figuring out how to create the perfect bottle of wine, the pride of being named the best wine of the year, watching your prestige grow and your territory expand, and the cautious necessity of keeping plenty of cash in your coffers becomes all the more potent because you know that, any given year, fate could turn against you and you could very well lose it all.”
75 – Gaming Trend
TERROIR 是一款葡萄酒庄经营管理游戏,拥有极简而优雅的图形艺术设计风格。在游戏中,你将成为一位酒庄主人,种植多元葡萄品种、创造不同的葡萄酒,并不断扩展你的庄园和产业。天气变幻无常,突发事件接踵而来,面临无数挑战,你有信心让酒庄获得成功吗?
· 部分游戏特点及机制:
· 可选不同的葡萄品种进行种植,但每个品种有各自的挑战。
· 基于波尔多葡萄酒地区的气候,创造动态天气系统。
· 在游戏中,每70个游戏年为一次完整游戏。
· 游戏中酿造葡萄酒需要四个酿酒过程:压碎,压榨,发酵和陈化。每一种葡萄都需要悉心制作,以达到最优效果。因此你必须· 学习并了解每一种葡萄。
· 从一块土地开始,最终将你的庄园扩大到33块。你可使用6种不同区域选择,如森林、湖泊等,它们将对周围区域造成不同影响,因此需谨慎选择。
· 快来了:机会和命运:这是系统随机生成的任务。玩家可在“机会”和“命运”中选择并完成:“机会”为一个随机事件,可能获得巨大收益,也可能是一次冒险;而“命运”则是一次任务,完成可获得奖励,失败将受到惩罚。
· 色彩明艳的极简设计
· 原创游戏音乐,由新加坡CLARQuinet乐队作曲并演奏。