经历游戏角色们的人生始末,并且建立你的家谱!《锈湖:根源 Rusty Lake: Roots》是第二款由密室逃脱系列和锈湖旅馆游戏创作者开发出的优质点击类冒险游戏。

锈湖:根源 Rusty Lake: Roots for Mac vgog-1 中文原生


“I heartily recommend you get Rusty Lake Hotel for a mere £1.60, as well as Rusty Lake: Roots for two quid. And then splurge on the amazing free Cube Escapes, each of which adds to the Rusty Lake universe in a peculiar way. You’ll be so glad you did.”
Rock, Paper, Shotgun

“Rusty Lake: Roots is an excellent follow-up to Rusty Lake Hotel—grander, grimmer, and more gruesome than ever. The Rusty Lake games are quickly carving out a niche as my favorite point-and-click series of the modern era, with a bold confidence underpinning their unconventional and inventive world. I highly recommend picking up the pair for a night or two of surreal horror.”
4/5 – PCWorld

“That payoff is the same as any great Rusty Lake game: the ability to lose yourself in the strange and disturbing events unfolding before you. An empathy for and understanding of even characters that don’t speak a word. A frustration and then exhilaration at solving brain-burning puzzles. And an increased appreciation, love, and fear of Rusty Lake and its shadowy, timeless inhabitants. Roots just happens to have all of this in an even larger, longer package; with more lives on the line; and more reasons to book your stay.”
4.5/5 – GameZebo


《锈湖:根源 Rusty Lake: Roots》是由创作了密室逃脱系列锈湖旅馆游戏的锈湖公司开发的第二款付费点击类冒险游戏。


· 操作简单:容易上手,但一玩起来就停不下来。
· 独一无二的故事情节:经历游戏角色们的人生始末,并建立你独属的家谱。
· 超过33个等级:目前为止最大规模的锈湖游戏,充满了谜题。
· 悬念丛生的氛围:在冷静与黑暗时刻间的转换。
· 身临其境般的音效:每个等级都有特别设计的主题曲和变奏曲。
· 成就:家谱有更多的秘密等待揭示。

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