Rebel Galaxy是一场虚张声势的太空冒险,充满了战斗、探索、发现、交易,以及与已知宇宙边缘的古怪居民的“谈判”。

勇闯银河系 Rebel Galaxy for Mac v1.08b 中文原生


“Rebel Galaxy is one of the best space games released in some time, both in terms of its vast content and that its low price that won't break your wallet.”
88 – Gaming Nexus

“Rebel Galaxy might just be the successor to Freelancer that many gamers have been craving for, a space-based video game that gives gamers the freedom to pursue their space dreams and use their ship to try and get that big score that will make them wealthy or famous or both. Read more:”
90 – Softpedia

“Rebel Galaxy is what happens when you combine the exploration and freeform nature of Sid Meier's Pirates! with the broadside-oriented ship combat of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, and the "cowboys in space" setting of Firefly and Cowboy Bebop.”
80 – The Escapist


《勇闯银河系》是一款由Double Damage Games工作的即时战略游戏。游戏拥有绚丽的画质,激烈的空战和神秘的宇宙探索。而玩家在游戏中扮演太空船的指挥官,在宇宙中调查怪异的现象、对抗太空强盗,寻找稀有矿物,同时将会与当地居民互动,另外,战斗采用即时制。


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