2215年, 在人类最新开发的太阳系外殖民地, 警长文森特·卡西尼卷入了一场试图掩盖战争期间毁灭其他星球罪行的跨星系阴谋.
扭曲边界 Warp Frontier for Mac v1.1.12 英文原生
“In total, Warp Frontier was an unexpected surprise. This well-written, well-designed point-and-click adventure please genre fans and — perhaps — might even entice a few newcomers to try this storied genre.”
80 – Game Critics
“The game is probably the best of the genre that I have personally played this year, worthy of inclusion in any point-and-click fan’s library as well as a great jumping off point for those wanting to experience what the genre has to offer.”
Save or Quit
“... it tells a meaningful tale set in a believable future, thoroughly fleshed out and populated by diverse, empathetic characters. Instead of presenting easy answers, it explores difficult questions, buoyed by heart and good humour and mixed through with challenging puzzles. That's a difficult line to tread, and the result is a memorable, occasionally frustrating, but thought-provoking experience. If you're looking for some serious sci-fi, chewy puzzles, or just something a little different, I can definitely recommend diving into Warp Frontier.”
70 – Adventure Gamers
文森特·卡西尼是一名战斗英雄, 但依然只是担任着他所创立的警察部队中的一名上尉. 当时他正在家乡塞塔斯星球的轨道贫民窟巡逻, 并偶然发现了导致数千名塞塔斯人神秘失踪的线索, 这其中还包括他的第一任妻子和最好的朋友. 卡西尼队长和他的机器人伙伴MAC不得不与一些道德沦丧的角色结盟, 在他们的罪行被永远抹去之前阻止一名老对手继续犯下滔天的罪恶.
以指向点击冒险风格解决谜题, 并维持好文森特与家人, 盟友和敌人之间的关系. 你所做出的决定以及执行任务的顺序会给每一次的游戏带来不同的结果, 甚至可能导致数千人失去生命. 你的行为最终决定了文森特将成为什么样的父亲, 伙伴, 朋友, 军官和救世主.
- 做出事关成千上万人性命的决定, 并决定家人和朋友之间的关系.
- 高清2D指向和点击冒险风格
- 全程6-8小时的游戏体验, 包含不同支线的决策, 并最终带来多个独特的结局
- 纯正澳大利亚风格, 由澳大利亚人为主的配音演员献声
- 人类从灾难奇点事件中分离出来的另一条时间线
- 由托马斯·雷金打造的原声带
- 乘坐你的飞船探索太空, 欣赏从行星表面到行星环外围的壮美景色